Toplam 13 içerik listeleniyor
Eluent Caps
-Prevents solvent contamination -No more dangerous vapors -No tubing slippage -No tubing twist -Easy change -Audit friendly For more information click here. -
CleanAcids makes it possible to prepare solutions of mineral acids (HCl, HNO3, HF, HBr, HClO4) and organic solvents of very high element purity, in the order of ppt, from reagents of technical quality or for analysis. For more information; click here. -
MARS 6™ Ekstraksiyon
Çevresel numuneler için yüksek verimli ekstraksiyon. -
RSC 400 AS
High throughput and accessible solution for thermal and pressure risks RSC-400 AS is based on two pressure resistant cells, a furnace and pressure sensors.The furnace can scan temperatures at a controlled heating rate, or keep the temperature constant (isotherms).The cells allow for samples from milligrams up to a few grams or millilitres. -
OxymaPure® used with DIC produces peptides with increased yield and decreased epimerization when used as an alternative to HOBt.1 This safe, non-explosive auxiliary nucleophile works with carbodiimide coupling strategies to provide the best results for a peptide synthesis. Additionally, the use of DIC/Oxyma avoids side reactions associated with high levels of base (≥ 1 equiv. DIEA) using onium salt methods such as HBTU/DIEA. Standard Specifications Extremely fast acylation... -
TamiSolve NxG-PS
Although modern peptide synthesizers can dramatically reduce waste generation, there are still challenges associated with the health and environmental impacts of commonly used solvents. To alleviate these concerns, CEM now provides TamiSolve®1 NxG-PS (TamiSolve), an alternative solvent for peptide synthesis. TamiSolve has very low flammability and toxicity, but provides the same performance as DMF or NMP. TamiSolve can routinely be substituted as a wash solvent on Liberty systems in place of... -
Hayvan yemleri
CDR FoodLab® ile hayvan yemi kalite kontrolü Hayvan unu veya yemi üretiyor musunuz? Ana kalite kontrol parametrelerini (FFA, PV ve p-anisidin) hızlı bir şekilde kontrol edebileceğiniz bir analiz sistemimiz var. -
Evcil hayvan maması
CDR FoodLab® ile evcil hayvan mamalarının kalite kontrolü Evcil hayvan yemi üretiyor musunuz? Ana kalite kontrol parametrelerini (FFA, PV ve p-anisidin) hızlı bir şekilde kontrol edebileceğiniz bir analiz sistemine sahibiz. -
Mikrodalga Temelli Numune Hazırlama Teknikleri ve Yeni Nesil Solvent Ekstraksiyon Teknolojisi
"Mikrodalga Temelli Numune Hazırlama Teknikleri ve Yeni Nesil Solvent Ekstraksiyon Teknolojisi" webinarını, 19 Ocak Çarşamba günü Lab Akademi platformunda yer alarak gerçekleştirdik. Göstermiş olduğunuz ilgiye teşekkür ederiz.